The 367th Fighter Squadron in WWII - 1943-1945
This site has been created for the rediscovery and the exploration of the people and events that made up the history of one fighter squadron of the United States Army Air Corps during World War II. The 367FS was constituted in 1942 and activated at the beginning of 1943 as one of three squadrons of the 358th Fighter Group known as the “Orange Tails”. The 358th was one of 13 groups of the 9th Air Force that flew thousands of missions up to November of 1944 when it was transferred into the First Tactical Air Force (Provisional). Although that fighter group and its squadrons are not as recognizable and are lesser known units of that conflict, they were certainly one of the more capable and decorated fighter groups in the European Theater of Operations during 1944 and 1945. The “Orange Tails” were awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation no less than three times and were also awarded the French Croix de Guerre with Palm for their participation in the liberation of France.
This project is an attempt to supplement the war diary of the 367 Fighter Squadron on its own and is dedicated to the memory of the pilots who did not return home from the war and for those aviators and service members who served in this squadron and have since passed on.